Mergers and Acquisitions

Date : 13/12/2014

Mergers and Acquisitions

Our approach

Our approach is to work alongside our clients as part of an extended team. We work time and again for the same clients, helping to build their business and its value. We also work on single transactions, typically the sale of a business.

Our corporate finance team offers a multi-disciplinary service and a wealth of experience to provide you with the best possible advice for your business. 

 As your corporate finance advisers we will:

Ø  seek out prospective hurdles to be overcome in advance

Ø  make you aware of the pitfalls in advance

Ø  manage the timetable effectively

Ø  work with your other advisers to take the pressure off you

Ø  never let you forget you have a business to run, during and after the transaction

Ø  provide project planning support to help you avoid any unnecessary expense


Access to specialist investors

We offer access to a network of specialist entities actively seeking businesses for purchase through accelerated processes.  This network of investors,with the proven appetite, funding and capability to acquire businesses for turnaround, operate under existing confidentiality obligations allowing us to identify, qualify and short-list serious bidders in hours, rather than days.