Valuation Services

Date : 13/12/2014

Valuation Services

At Pinnacle Consulting Firm we help you value your investments, business and assets. 

You might want to forecast the financial effects of a business restructuring or determine an asset value during this process.

We assist you with the price allocation during an acquisition, or in understanding your own overheads and profits.

We work with you to:

Ø Understand your business and sector - its prospects and its markets,

Ø Identify the dynamic factors of the valuation,

Ø Analyze past operational performances and forecast future financial results,

Ø Apply discount rates and multiples,

Ø Employ a systematic approach,

Ø Test the accuracy and sensitivity of business models.


We provide advice and solutions in the following areas:

We give commercial advice to companies, partnerships and individuals on valuations in the context of acquisitions, disposals, mergers and restructuring proposals across a wide range of industries.

We offer dispute resolution services and work with forensic investigators, providing valuation advice.

We assist on regulatory and accounting matters, with advice on valuations required by Accounting Standards, including purchase price allocation, impairment testing