Special Audits

Date : 13/12/2014

Special Audits

Accountants’compilation reports

This is the most basic report provided by accountants.  It gives no assurance over the underlying figures in the financial statements, but confirms that the accounts have been compiled by an external professional firm, thus giving comfort that the accounts are presented in accordance with relevant legislation. 

Limited assurance review

This report sits between a full audit and the compilation report described above.  The scope of a limited assurance review does not include verification procedures as in a full audit,but does include discussions with management about the accounting treatment of key items, detailed analytical review of results and balance sheet, and consideration of the appropriateness of the accounting policies and their application. 

The scope is insufficient to allow the reviewer to give an opinion on whether the accounts give a true and fair view.  Instead, the review report concludes upon whether, based on there view, anything has come to the reviewer’s attention which suggests the accounts are not true and fair.  This is known as “negative assurance”.

Risk Assurance

Before you can make informed decisions to grow and develop your business, you need to identify the risks. Our Risk Assurance Team can help you make the right decisions.

We can provide specialist, completely independent advice to senior management to assist them in reviewing and updating their business risk management processes.

Forensic Audits

With a distinctive range of expertise and extensive links to the legal profession, we provide forensic AUDIT for both corporate and private clients. Our partners are acknowledged leaders in their own fields and combine this expertise with an understanding of the legal process and experience of acting as Expert Witnesses.